persemaian padi

How to Succeed in Rice Milling

To obtain the seeds of rice well, it can be done by wet nursery. Wet nursery is a nursery done on paddy fields outside the area to be harvested. Nurseries are prepared 25-30 days before the rainy season (MT I / abducted system), while the preparation of the seedbed for the dry season I (MT II) is done before the harvest of MT I crops so that the seedlings are ready and the MT II planting can be done immediately. In another system, the nursery made in the rice planting area close to harvest season.


The seedbed is preferably on a wide stretch for easy maintenance. In addition, the nursery is exposed to direct sunlight but not close to the lights that can invite insects at night. In 1 hectare land required nursery = ± 500 m² / ha.


Then How?

Nursery land is plowed and reared 2-3 times until the soil in muddy conditions as deep as approximately 20 cm. After the soil is processed, make the beds as high as ± 10 cm with the width of the beds 100-150 cm and length is adjusted to the condition of the land, then made drainage channels between those beds.


In order for seed growth to be fertile, the seedbed is fertilized as needed. Especially for less fertile soil try to use organic fertilizer granule as much as 300 Kg and spray with GDM Organic Fertilizer to eliminate the fungi and bacterial soil pathogens that cause disease in plants.


Then spread the seeds that have been soaked Fertilizer Organic Liquid GDM for 1 × 24 hours on the nursery. After that, the nursery is watered continuously as high as approximately 5 cm. Five days after seed sowing, the seedbed is approximately 1cm high for 2 days.


Once the rice seeds grow, chemical fertilizer can be added and spray GDM Organic Fertilizer to maximize growth every 7 days with a dose of 2 cups (500ml) of GDM per tank. The types and doses of fertilizer are here only as reference (reference) and are flexible. It means that the types, doses of fertilizers and crops in each place will be vary due to the influence of local soil conditions, irrigation and climate changes.


Seedlings in the new nursery can be moved or planted into the rice field after the age of 10-18 days. Before the seedlings are revoked, the nursery needs to be flooded for 1 day between 2-5 cm so the soil becomes soft so that the seeds are not damaged when removed or removed crops.

Is the Nursery Free of Disease Attacks?

penyakit blas daun
Gambar 1. Gejala penyakit blas daun (kiri), dan blas leher (kanan)

Beware of disease attacks since it usually starts early. The nursery becomes the beginning of the onset of disease and farmers sometimes do not know it. The main diseases that often attack on the seedbed of rice is “blas” and “kresek” (Xanthomonas oryzae).



Blas disease is caused by Pyricularia grisea fungus. Initially the disease developed in upland rice cultivation, but lately it has spread in irrigated rice fields. Blas disease is found in many growing rice paddy fields across Central Java of West Java, Central Java and East Java.


penyakit hawar daun
Gambar 2. Gejala penyakit hawar daun bakteri Xhantomonas oryzae

Grisea fungus and pathogenic X. oryzae bacteria can infect at all phases of rice plant growth from seedbed to harvest. In the seedling phase and vegetative growth of rice plants, P. grisea can infect on the leaves and cause symptoms of disease in the form of rhinoceros-shaped brown spots called leaf blasts.


In the growth phase of generative rice plants, symptoms of blas disease develops on the stalk / neck of the panicle called blast neck or cut the neck. While X. oryzae causes disease (pathogens) and infecting rice plants on the leaf parts through leaf wounds. Sometimes it makes natural holes in the form of stomata and damage the leaf chlorophyll.



It results in low performance of the plant for doing photosynthesis. If it occurs in young plants it will result in death and in the plant generative phase become less complete on its grain filling. The severe development of blast neck disease (P. grisea) and crackle (X. oryzae) infection can reach the part of grain and its pathogens can be carried away as a seed-borne pathogen (seed borne).


In full rice cultivation campaign, farmers must be alert to the appearance of some pests and diseases, which if not controlled can cause large losses in future productions. In this week’s article we will talk about them, their symptoms and the main products to combat them.


The most important pests and problems that affect rice cultivation, taking into account in the phase of the crop in which we find ourselves are: Chilo Supressalis or rice borer, Rosquillas (Spodoptera spp. And Mythimna spp.), Pudenta (Eysarcoris ventralis) ), Piricularia (Pyricularia grisea) and weeds (Tails, annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds).


Then How Is The Solution To Seed In The Nursery Safe From Disease Attacks?

Apply GDM Organic Fertilizer by spraying on the seedlings after rice seedlings are 7 HSS & 14 HSS with a dose of 2 cups (500 ml) per tank to prevent disease on rice seedlings as well as support the growth of rice seedlings.


GDM Organic Liquid Fertilizer contains 7 synergistic bacteria are capable of removing the inoculum of fungi & pathogenic bacteria which are the beginning of disease source in plant. GDM bacteria are able to overcome the disease because GDM bacteria can produce antibiotics, enzymes, toxins and siderophores while also serving as a competitor for nutrients for plant pathogens.


So that the fungi and pathogen bacteria that cause disease in rice seedlings will be minimized and the endurance of rice seedlings will be greater. The ability of GDM bacteria as PGPR agent (Rhizobakteria stimulant of plant growth) will make the roots of plants longer and thicker so that the absorption of nutrients is more leverage and rice seeds are not easy to stress when planting.


Function of GDM Liquid Organic Fertilizer in Rice Seed is:

  1. Provide complete nutrients / plant nutrients that the plant needs.
  2. Increase the diversity and activity of micro-organisms in the soil.
  3. Growth size will be more similar.
  4. Seedlings are more resistant from bacteria.
  5. Growth of seedlings faster.
  6. Has long and dense roots.
  7. Make the rod sturdier.
  8. Making the seeds more resistant to disease attacks.
  9. Making seeds more resistant to climate change.


The use of GDM Organic Liquid Fertilizer will be one of the wise choices in an effort to increase agricultural production while preserving biodiversity to support sustainable agricultural cultivation. The time you seedbed nursery always use GDM Liquid Organic Fertilizer to make rice seeds healthy, strong and grow fast.

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