Bio-Organic Oil Palm Plantation Specialist

Is a liquid organic fertilizer that is able to increase the immunity/antibodies of plants to attack pests, such as leaf rust on oil palm seeds and fruit rot, optimizing flower and fruit growth.


Liquid organic fertilizer specialists in oil palm plantations can increase growth in the nursery phase, TBM, and TM, prevent anthracnose to Ganoderma disease, increase production and quality of Fresh Fruit Bunches.


GDM Palm Oil is very suitable for use in nurseries, maintenance of Unprocessed Plants (TBM), and Plant Producing (TM).

Analysis Results
Bio-organic Fertilizer Oil Palm Plantation Specialist







C. Organic

mg / L


N. Total

1mg / L


Organic Ingredients

mg / L



mg / L



mg / L



mg / L



mg / L



mg / L



mg / L



mg / L



mg / L



mg / L











Differences of Chemical Fertilizer With Bio-Organic Fertilizer.



Nourishes the soil and the soil nourishes plants

Provides nutrition directly to plants

Returns the elements carried by the plant

The elements carried by the plant will disappear

Repairing soil nutrients

Damaging / Removing soil nutrients

Environment friend

Damaging the environment

Costs are getting lower

Costs are getting higher and higher

Packaging Size

Kemasan Ukuran 1L

Length  :13cm

Width   : 6cm

Height  : 17,5cm

Kemasan Ukuran 2L

Length  :14cm

Width   : 9cm

Height  : 23,5cm

Kemasan Ukuran 5L

Length  :17,5cm

Width   : 11cm

Height  : 33,5cm

Materials of GDM Bio-Organic Fertilizer

All materials needed for GDM Product is “fresh” ingredients. Which the ingredients are obtained every day and processed immediately so that no decay process occurs which allows the entry of disease sources. GDM is able to provide better results and guaranteed by using selected materials.

Organic waste in the manufacture of GDM products consists of:

  • Animal Organic Waste
  • Agricultural Organic Waste
  • Organic Fisheries Waste

Organic waste is proven to be able to improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil, help improve soil micro-organisms, have a complete macro and micronutrient content, and be environmentally friendly, absorb and store water longer.

Research shows that nutrient-rich seaweed. Seaweed contains minerals such as iron (Fe), iodine (I), aluminum (Al), manganese (Mn), calcium (Ca), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), chlorine (Cl), silicon (Si), rubidium (Rb), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba), titanium (Ti), cobalt (Co), boron (B), copper (Cu), and potassium (K). Seaweed is also rich in protein, flour, sugar, and vitamins A, C, and D.

The high nutrient of seaweed is very beneficial for plants and soil

The content of animal oils is proven as:

  • Anti-Fungus
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti Virus

As well as containing high essential minerals, essential minerals are proven to be very good for plant growth.

Algae is a natural resource that has a high level of diversity. The term algae come from the Latin “algae” which means sea algae.

Here are the benefits of Algae:

  • As a Bioremediation Agent / Adsorbent for heavy metals.
  • Contains a high CO element.
  • As a natural antibiotic.

Bacteria are an important element in GDM. Because of its existence can support plant growth and improve the availability of nutrients in the soil. Each bacterium has a different function, but all of them work together and work together in balance.

Here is a list of Bacteria contained in GDM liquid organic fertilizer:


  • Bacillus Brevis
  • Bacillus Pumillus
  • Bacillus mycoides
  • Pseudomonas Alcaligenes
  • Pseudomonas Mallei
  • Klebsiella Oxytaca
  • Micrococcus Roseus

How To Use & Dosage

Poure: (1:50)

2 Glass (500 ml) per 25 liters of water for 10 trees

Sprayed: (1:20)

2 Glass (500 ml) per tank 14 liters of water (morning/afternoon)




Pre Nursery (0-3 Months)

0.5 liter / 200 seedlings

2 Weeks

Play Nursery (3-12 Months)

1 liter of solution / 100 seedlings

Every 2 Weeks

When Planting

7 liters of GDM / Ha

Once every 2 months


14 liters / Ha

Once every 2 months


20 liters / Ha

Once every 3 months

  • For maximum results, it must be combined with GDM Black Bos at the time of land management.
  • As an immunomodulator, do seed immersion with GDM POC

Bacteria Contained in GDM Liquid Organic Fertilizer

Bacteria are an important element in GDM. Due to its existence it can support plant growth and improve the availability of nutrients in the soil. Each bacterium has a different function, but the whole works together and synergizes in balance.

Here are the benefits of Bacillus brevis bacteria:

  • Prevents tobacco cancer.
  • Support plant growth.
  • Prevent the emergence of diseases in plants.

Here are the benefits of Bacillus pumillus bacteria:

  • Increase height and height of plant stems.
  • Increase the number of leaves and their area.
  • Increases protein content in legume crop yields

Here are the benefits of Bacillus mycoides:

  • Increase plant productivity.
  • Reducing the possibility of disease in the leaves.
  • Reducing the possibility of root disease.
  • Produces antibiotic elements for plants.
  • Increase soil fertility.
  • Increase the absorption of nutrients in plants.

Following are the benefits of Pseudomonas alcaligenes bacteria:

  • Increases absorption of elements N, P, and K.
  • Support the development of plant roots.
  • Increase plant growth.

The following are the benefits of Pseudomonas mallei bacteria:

  • Increasing the P element in the soil.
  • Increase crop yields.
  • Prevents cutting neck disease in rice.

Following are the benefits of Micrococcus roseus bacteria:

  • Loosen the soil.
  • Support the growth of plant roots.
  • Able to process micro elements, so as not to harm plants.
  • Provides immunity against diseases in plants.

Here are the benefits of the Klebsiella oxytoca bacteria:

  • It provides phosphorus that can be absorbed by plants.
  • Capture Nitrogen so that it can be absorbed by plants.
  • Support plant growth.
  • Improve the composting process in the soil.

Certificate & Achievement

This is real evidence
GDM Bio-Organic Fertilizer Advantages Agriculture Specialist

Bukti Keunggulan GDM pada pembibitan/ Nursery Kelapa Sawit :

  1. The use of GDM when immersing oil palm sprouts can increase the immunity / immunity of oil palm seedlings against disease attacks in nurseries, especially Culvularia sp. (rust leaves).
  2. Regular use of GDM in nurseries (Pre and Main Nursery) can increase the number and mass of roots and plant growth, so that it can accelerate the age of seedlings when moving (transplanting) to the land. Using GDM, seeds can be moved to the land at 8 months.

Bukti Keunggulan GDM pada Tanaman Belum Menghasilkan (TBM):

Bioremediation Agent and Soil Detoxification which can: Improve soil physical, chemical and biological properties.
Phytohormones and PGPR agents who can:

Reduces Shock Planting, Increases mass and number of plant roots, Increases plant growth, Increases leaf area.

Biofertilizer agents that can: Reduce the use of chemical fertilizers.

Bukti Keunggulan GDM pada Tanaman Menghasilkan (TM) :

  1. Increase the ratio of female flowers.
  2. Reducing Partenocarpi.
  3. Reducing fruit rot due to fungi (as a biopesticide)
  4. Increase Average Weight (BJR)
  5. Improve Fruit Quality, color is more shiny and does not rot quickly.
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