About Us

“PT. Graha Alam Sempurna promotes “Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi”
as a vision to re-fertile Indonesia land.”

PT. Graha Alam Sempurna (GAS) is a manufacturer company which concerns to the distribution product of Bio Organic Fertilizer and Bio Organic Probiotic across Indonesia and worldwide.


PT. Graha Alam Sempurna was built in 2011 and located at Dian Istana Street G11 No.9, Moca Terrace, Wiyung 60228, Surabaya- Indonesia. PT. GAS is the sole distributor of the products produced by CV Graha Sirtu brand with GDM.


The product in question is bio organic fertilizer (BOF) agriculture specialist, BOF fruit specialist, BOF plantation specialist, BOF palm specialist, BOF ornamental plants specialist, BOF golf course specialist, Bio Organic Probiotic (BOP) livestock specialist, BOP fishery specialist, and Bio Organic Stimulant soil specialist.

Product Excellence

Product Quality

Product quality is the main thing that can provide for you. Evidently, we have won awards for The Best Quality Product & Customer Satisfaction Of The Year 2018, The Best Quality Packaging And Creative Design Of The Year 2018, The Most Trusted Prganic Fertilizer Distributor Company Of The Year 2018 and have been certified organic by LESOS

kualitas produk GDM
Harga Pupuk GDM Terjangkau

Affordable Prices With The Best Quality

GDM is liquid organic fertilizer & quality liquid organic supplements at affordable prices

With the best quality of supplements & liquid organic fertilizer in its class which has been proven with various certificates and awards that have been obtained, but the price of GDM products remains affordable

GDM Production Capacity

GDM products have a production capacity of up to 30 tons per day. This makes GDM able to supply the needs of the National to International market at any time. GDM is able to supply market needs on a national to international scale.

kapasitas produksi GDM
team support GDM

Team support GDM

The GDM support team is ready to provide any support for the satisfaction of our customers.
Always provide the best service for you.

Certificate & Award

GDM Product

GDM organic fertilizers and liquid organic supplements are made from natural ingredients that are environmentally friendly, and are equipped with premium bacteria that only GDM organic fertilizers and organic supplements have.

Bio Organic Fertilizer

For all types of agriculture, farm, fruits, houseplants, and golf course.

Bio Organic Stimulant

As stimulant bacteria and soil booster, which prevent the plant from any disease, also as soil bio-remediation.

Bio Organic Probiotic

For all types of livestock (poultry, reptile, pets, small ruminants, large ruminants) and fisheries (fish, shrimp, and seaweed).